iPods and Music Therapy

Technology such as computers and electronic instruments are easily dismissed with music therapist; but with good intention.  You see, music therapist focus on the interpersonal relationships built while providing therapeutic intervention.  There are a select few that utilize comprehensive technology allowing various populations immediate feedback.  Music Therapists also work with medical devices appropriate for the clients’ diagnosis. 

The technology I am referring to are iPods or MP3 players.  Music Therapist value the true person to person interaction and feedback vs an electronic sound; however, I find that iPods are just now seeming to be an appropriate option for music therapists.   Please understand that I am referring to iPod use instead of CDs and not to replace other direct care such as creating, playing instruments, and other specific uses of music therapy.  I have used an iPod for as long as I have owned one.  Before receiving an iPod as a gift,  I would often be carrying various instruments (large and small), various other tools such as puppets or scarves, oxygen tubes, and a cd player with cds.  Time would be spent switching cds around to adapt to the clients’ moods or objectives for the session.   With an iPod and stand, I simply set up my playlist according to clients’ likes, populations of clients such as early childhood or geriatric, rhythm and melodic sounds, or specific goals.  The first time I utilized my iPod with a client, I remember having so much extra time that we were able to spend more time “working.”   So, a music therapist’s fear of technology taking time from direct care is dismissed.  At least mine was.  I now have more time with direct care and enjoy the moments along with my clients.